Information from the Chamber of Commerce

The service that allows direct access to the Chambers of Commerce of every goods sector and the monitoring of information.

Global credit protection

FRM Company is a complementary information service created to meet all the needs of our clients. It allows the user to analyse and monitor companies in all goods sectors by drawing information directly from the Chambers of Commerce.

Find out about all your business partners

FRM Company joins the other Fashion Bank services, specialized in retail distribution, and was designed to allow Fashion players to have the corporate and financial status of all business partners under control (customers, providers, buyers, subcontractors/façonists).

Data monitoring

The service provides, through detailed reports, all useful official data. The information of the individual names can be kept under constant monitoring and saved on their devices. There is a notification service in case of negative events.

With FRM Company you can:

• know if the company is operating, how it is structured, who is part of it or is responsible for it
• know the economic and financial status
• identify the company
• verify prejudicial notes
• verify real estate assets
• obtain a chamber of commerce registration
• obtain a balance sheet.

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FRM – Fashion Risk Monitoring is a unique online portal that allows Fashion players to access monitoring services specialized in the financial and commercial analysis of wholesale markets.

For years FRM services have been the most valid tool for prevention of insolvencies and for the correct management of trade receivables in the Fashion market.